Saturday 16 August 2014

Committee Meeting

Dear all (that's always assuming more than one person actually reads this, which doesn't seem to have been the case for my other recent postings)

This week, the Bracknell Forest Bridge Club Committee met. I think it was the first physical committee meeting for several years. The minutes will be published on the web site as soon as they become available.

Probably the main topic of conversation was the club constitution, which we felt was now out of date and in need of a major overhaul. The details were discussed at some length and the committee will, in the near future, be proposing a revised constitution for the members to consider.

It was noted that there were a number of items of club policy that would benefit from being put in writing but which are best not "set in stone" by being included in the constitution. What we are thinking about here are things like the rules for the Alf Biggs cup, the dates for our various competitions and any local rules (such as the scoring of unplayed boards). The committee therefore intend to produce a second document, to complement the constitution, entitled (probably) "Club Policies".

Publication of the accounts was also discussed. Unfortunately there is a minor omission from the accounts as presented to the AGM, which the treasurer is working to rectify. This work has been delayed by technical problems on the treasurer's computer but the revised accounts will be published to the membership as soon as possible. One thing that was noted is that some members are talking about an auditor, or auditing the accounts. We have been advised the term "Auditing" has legal connotations which may not be practical in a small organisation like ours. Instead, we have been advised that we should appoint an account "examiner" and that the accounts will be examined, rather than audited.

When all of the following are in place:

  • Proposed new constitution
  • Amended accounts
  • Selection of account examiner

The committee propose to call an EGM to ratify both the constitution and the selection of the accounts examiner, and to approve the accounts. The proposed new constitution and the revised accounts will be published to the members well in advance of any such EGM, to allow time for discussion, amendments etc.

Maintenance of the club's membership database was also discussed and new procedures were proposed to ensure both the database, and the secretary's circulation list, were kept up to date better than they have been in the past.

The tenure of committee members was discussed. The committee is keen to avoid any notions of elitism, or committee members hanging onto their posts. On the other hand, it is notoriously difficult to conscript "volunteers" to sit on club committees. It was generally felt that it would be a good thing to have a limited term of office (the draft club constitution on the EBU web site suggests limiting the chair-person to five years continuous service but does not venture any opinion on other club officers). As it happens, it is likely that two members of the current committee will be seeking to step down at the end of this year (me, for one!) and it was felt that it might not be a good idea to replace the entire committee at once as that would lack continuity. Any decision on maximum terms of office was therefore shelved for the time being.

And that's about it. I hope some people have managed to read thus far. I find it very galling to have set up this blog in direct response to the criticism that the committee doesn't communicate with the membership only to discover that (apparently) hardly anyone is interested in reading it.


Monday 11 August 2014

Result, Monday 11th August

Sorry to all for the hiccup producing the results but the problem has now been fixed and the result is up on the web site.


Membership list

I have published the latest list of members' contact details on the web site. If you look at the list online, be sure to do an explicit page refresh because your browser may serve up an old, saved, copy of the page. I shall also be bringing a paper copy to club night.

Can all members please check their contact details, either online or on the paper sheet. You can mark up any changes on the sheet or email me.


Software update

I have just done a software update on the club computer. The most significant change is that non-members should now be able to sign-on to the Bridgemate system using their EBU number. In fact, members can too, but for members it's only an alternative. I would recommend for members to continue to use their club number to log-on to the Bridgemate system.

Will all Tournament Directors please note this change, keep a look out for visitors and advise them to use their EBU numbers (if they know them) to log-on to Bridgemate.

The other change will only really be of interest to club administrators. The membership database application now has a facility to mark individual members as not wishing to have their contact details published (it's a checkbox near the bottom right of the member properties form marked "Keep Details Private"). When you request a membership report, members who have requested privacy will be excluded from that report unless, when requesting the report, you check the box that says you wish to list all members.
